$10,000 Budget

$10,000 Budget

8 Breakfast/Webcasts per Year
(Estimated 150 attendees per event)

Webcast Production and Blog Maintenance 
Faculty Volunteer Coordinator: $0
Student Assistant: $12 hourly up to $1200 

Faculty Panel Members: $0
Student Volunteers: $0

Catering (Crickles & Co. in Denton) = $322 X 8 = $2,756 
Coffee (Starbucks) = $228 X 8 = $1,824
Breakfast Incidentals: $840
Advertising (Full Color Flyers): $400

One time costs:

USB Microphones (Voice/Instrument)
6 X $99.99 = $599.94


Program Sustainability: Ticket Sales and Donations

$1 Student and $5 Community Member Tickets:
Based on 150 attendees: $1200 to $6000 annually


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